Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sense of Self

Writing has always been my creative spark and my individuality. I used to write with the freedom of my own expression. I could stare at a blank computer-screen canvas and paint pictures with my words. I used to provide commentary and criticisms on the on-goings in my life (or yours) and all around the world, share little anecdotes I've gathered throughout my travels, and do it all withour fear of reproach or disapproval. If I didn't write silly little blogs, I would write hopelessly-hopeful (or hopefully-hopeless) poetry. I wrote my truths and honesties with reckless abandon. I've never written with a sense of fear or censorship. I lived and died by the pen - writing has always been my therapy, and sharing has always been my release; writing has been my contribution to the world.

I haven't written in any sort of blog for almost a whole year. In not having written in so long, I've lost my senses of freedom, individuality and voice; I feel like I've lost my sense of self. I've started a new blog, "Sending out a Sense of Self" to recapture that spirit. I'm afraid that I've forgotten how to write, so give me a chance to find myself.